About Us

Tech Assessment Tool Developed by the Ops Team

In 2021, we were looking to expand our DevOps team but yielded no success. Having conducted dozens of interviews with no hire, we were spending lots of time, and our current interview structure didn't allow us to fully gain a picture of candidates’ expertise.

We decided that the best way to assess engineers’ skills is by giving them an environment with a pre-configured problem to solve.

We found that most current tech assessment tools provide only theoretical and algorithm-based questions when we needed a full, product-like environment. The ones that could charge more than a small startup like us could afford for recruitment only.

We decided to develop our own platform that could help engineers like us create engaging, real-world assessments at an affordable-for-a-startup price.
2020 - 2021
Searching for engineers and tools
April 2021
Created first MVP tool for our own hiring purposes
Feb 2022
Got shortlisted for the first pitch competition
Apr 2022
Q4 2024
Official full release
Meet Our Founder
HDO platform background inverse
Uladimir Kuznichenkau
Founder and CTO at HDO

Uladimir Kuznichenkau, the visionary behind HDO, has spent over a decade in IT, specializing in Infrastructure Engineering. Recognizing the gap in realistic technical assessments within the hiring process, Uladimir founded HDO to enhance how candidates' technical skills are evaluated. His leadership has pushed HDO to address the critical challenge of realistic assessments in the market, making an impact on both candidates and businesses.

Follow Uladimir and HDO's journey as we continue to redefine the technical assessment landscape.

Company Values
  • Support team well-being and work-life balance.
  • Commit to understanding and achieving client goals.
  • Share client enthusiasm for top-quality products.
  • Enjoy our work and the outcomes we achieve.
  • Motivated to enhance and deliver consistently.
  • Embrace initiatives and accountability.
  • Promote open communication to address challenges.
Contact Us
Have questions or need assistance? Whether you're exploring our customized assessments or wish to learn more about our approach to tech hiring, we're here to help.

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